Room 120
Room 120
Room 120 (715 square feet or 22’x 32’) is suitable for community meetings, youth groups, martial arts, dog training, support group meetings, choir rehearsals, yoga, conference sessions, trade shows, showers, smaller parties, teaching, competitions.

Booking Guidelines
- Minimum booking between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. is 2 hours between Monday-Friday.
- Minimum booking after 6:00 p.m. is 2 hours Monday-Friday and on weekends for any ongoing booking if the user wishes to be guaranteed the space.
- Please call to discuss your need for a one hour booking
- Closing/End time: event must end at 11:15 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays and 11:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Additional tear down/move out time is provided for a small group of people.
- Cushion between bookings: In Room 120, you have a quarter hour on either side of the booking at no charge for setup and takedown.
Room 120 Rates
- Non-Profit Day Rate (6am-6pm)- $34 per hour
- Non-Profit Evening Rate (6pm-11:30pm)- $37 per hour
- Regular Day Rate (6am-6pm)- $37 per hour
- Regular Evening rate (6pm-11:30pm)- $41 per hour
Room 120 Capacity
- Capacity in non-Covid times: 88 without alcohol, 55 with alcohol
- Capacity in Covid-times – dependent on most recent Public Health Orders
Additional Hall Rental Fees and Additional Information
- Mandatory Annual $5 Membership Fee
- Damage deposit for Room 104-$100. The deposit covers exceptional costs incurred, for example, lost keys, alarm tripping, furniture not put away properly, need for excessive clean-up.
- Non-profit rates: to qualify for this rate we require a provincial society registration number or federal charitable registration number.
- SOCAN: Any bookings using recorded or live music are subject to SOCAN fees unless the user is able to provide the producer’s or musician’s SOCAN account number, unless the music is unregistered or in the public domain. SOCAN fees under our tariff 21 are $10 to the tenant.
What's Included in the Rental
50 Chairs
9x 6 foot rectangular tables
Nearby kitchen-like space included
White board
Natural window light – windows open
Easy access to wheelchair ramp
Book Room 120 for your
Event/Program Today!
For all booking inquiries, email us or call us with any questions or concerns that you might have in regards to facilitating your event/program/meeting at St. James Community Square.